Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's happened to everyone at least once. You're driving home late at night and your eyes get heavy. Sometimes they cross so you see double of everything. Your head starts to waver. You don't have time to pull over for a quick nap, but you're scared that you're destined for a head on collision. What do you do? Here are a few quick tips to help you get to your nice comfy bed.

1.) BECOME A ROCK STAR. Not in the literal sense of course, but sing along with the radio. Try to make it an upbeat song. And sing as loud as you can. If you don't sing then your brain proccesses the music as background music, and it can actually put you to sleep faster no matter the volume, but if you sing along you become active, and it makes your brain function thus keeping you awake.

2.) MAKE YOUR MOUTH MOVE. If you can't sing, or there's a song that you don't know the words, make your mouth active. Chew gum. If you smoke, light one up. Chew on a straw. Something that makes your mouth do something. Since your body is mostly immobile while driving, making your mouth excercise will help you focus on the road.

3.) DON'T BREAK THE SEAL. Drink a lot, then don't pee. Comfort is what makes the body tired, and if you have to pee, it makes you very uncomfortable, and keeps you awake.

4.) CHILL OUT. Turn off the heater. Open the window. Make yourself cold. Hold an ice cold drink in your lap. Heat=sleep.

5.) BECOME A MASOCHIST. Bite your cheek. Pinch yourself. Do something that causes a SMALL amount of pain. Pain makes the brain become aware. Switch it up.

6.) CAFFEINE IS YOUR FRIEND. Most of the time caffeine is bad, but trying to stay awake on the road it can be a blessing. Soda, coffee, cappucino, or your favorite energy drink, a little caffeine can go a long way.

So if you have to drive while sleepy, make sure you do as many of these steps to try to keep yourself aware. The more you can keep your brain stimulated, the better your chances of warding off the sandman.

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